My tulip

 I fall in love... I am in love... i thouht that I already met the love, but this rare and beautiful flower just let me think that this is the first time that I feel this... I'm not going to be crazy, the calm in the love, the trust, the freedom... the kisses, the skin, the eyes... oh those eyes that cant lie... this poetry its not... 

Oliva wants to see you... i want to see you.

you always are going to be my tulip... because I never see a tulip but I know they exist... i never fall in love this way... but I always knew that you exist my sweet angel.

Dont trust, don't believe me... but this is the most real true that I wrote in my life... 

you cant imagine how grateful I'm with my God for let me live this dream with you, even for this short time; come back and let me love you frailejon... i don't want that this love stays just in words.

You change my mind, mi heart... my soul... just you know what could I do for you babe...

PS. sorry for my English darlings
